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India Observer is a tabloid size community, English newspaper published by B V Nag Communications Inc., established in August 2002, committed to provide authentic information on global issues, particularly focusing on India-Canada and general South Asian issues. India Observer gives importance to covering issues surrounding immigration, politics, culture, tradition, business, entertainment, health, sports, youth, visible minorities and other subjects. Our issues strive to promote various opportunities and useful information for newcomers in Canada.


Our print version of the newspaper is distributed free of cost in groceries stores, restaurants, businesses, community and cultural events, religious centers, and several other businesses and gatherings throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Our India Observer ePaper is available on our website and supported on both desktop and mobile. The ePaper is widely networked via E-mail, messengers, and social media.


Our professional staff continue to work diligently in finding efficient ways to allow our readers, advertisers and well-wishers to easily access our newspaper.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.







Graphic Designer: Abharana Bangalore 
Photographer: B.V. Vijay Kumar, India

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August II Issue - 2016 - Vol. 15 No. 168

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1. The advertiser giving the advertisement to the publisher for publication agrees that the publisher shall not be held responsible nor be liable for any damages whatsoever arising directly or indirectly. The advertiser assumes all responsibilities of the advertisement and its contents not limited to the copy, photos, logos, quotations, claims, etc., contained in the given advertisement for publication in India Observer (IO). The advertiser agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the newspaper and its owner, producers, and printers against claims arising directly or indirectly from publication of any advertisement by the advertiser. The acceptance of advertising in IO is not an indication that endorses any of the products, services, events, etc. listed. Moreover, the newspaper shall not be liable for non-insertion of any advertisement. 2. Community Listings Policy: Community events are listed free of charges. IO reserves the right to edit due to space limitations. The publisher is not responsible, in any way, for the listing supplied or printed. Any inquiries concerning the events printed should made directly to the parties concerned. The views expressed on the opinion page, in the letters to the editor page, articles and columns are those of the writers are not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. If the issues are delayed for a technical or related reasons management is not responsible for any claims” (B V Nag Communications Inc., 2018).

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